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In competitive swimming, suits have become more important. These suits influence friction, pressure and wave drag. Friction drag is related to the surface properties whereas both pressure and wave drag are greatly influenced by body shape. To find a relationship between the body shape and the drag, the anthropometry of several world class female swimmers wearing different suits was accurately defined using a 3D scanner and traditional measuring methods. The 3D scans delivered more detailed information about the body shape. On the same day the swimmers did performance tests in the water with the tested suits. Afterwards the result of the performance tests and the differences found in body shape was analyzed to determine the deformation caused by a swimsuit and its effect on the swimming performance. Although the amount of data is limited because of the few test subjects, there is an indication that the deformation of the body influences the swimming performance.  相似文献   
创立21年,摩斯已稳固占据“台湾第—米汉堡”地位,但就像购物有分名品名店,快餐业想要做成餐饮中精品店怎么做?  相似文献   
在上个世纪乃至本世纪大半段的历史记录中,男人是无可争议的养家人。然而在今天,一项新调查显示,四分之三的英国男人却似乎很愿意“妇唱夫随”,老婆赚钱比自己多完全可以接受,男人甘愿在家中当个“家庭煮夫”。  相似文献   
2005年,卡特里娜和丽塔两大飓风侵袭路易斯安那州的新奥尔良市,成为美国历史上造成损失最大的灾难之一。这一貌似自然灾害的危害事件,其实孕育于新奥尔良的长期发展之中。一部新奥尔良发展史,既是人类利用土地、河流、森林、海洋等自然实体并与自然环境搏斗以建立城市、发展航运和工商业的历史,也是这些自然实体及其哺育的众多生命不断受侵蚀以至戕害的历史。这既是一部人类文明史,也是一部环境灾难史。在这里,人类借助水利工程控制自然而建立起来的文明,由于损害了生态系统的健康,削弱了其自然防护能力,结果反而加剧了人类无法避免的自然灾害的危害。因此,飓风造成的损失不只是取决于风暴之力,也取决于人们对土地的所作所为。而保持新奥尔良生机的努力,并不需要一味地与自然相搏,与自然合作,也是一种有益的尝试。  相似文献   
“走不出寨子(条件恶劣、交通不便)、鼓不起袋子(没有支柱产业)、争不到票子(扶贫投入不足)、活不了脑子(观念落后)、闯不出路子(技术、技能欠缺)、树不了样子(党员干部发挥带头作用不明显)。”这是古丈县扶贫办有关负责人对该县高寒山村现状的一番描述。古丈县地处湘西自治州中部偏东,武陵山脉中段,是我省典型的集“边、贫、山、库、少、穷”于一体的贫困小县,2012年再次被确定为“国家扶贫开发工作重点县”。全县有30%左右的农民生活在海拔600米及以上的高寒山区村。这些高寒山区土壤贫瘠,气候恶劣,自然灾害频繁,人口素质低下,基础设施和群众思想观念落后,经济社会发展缓慢。.  相似文献   
The creation of meaning in communication is a trading activity, resulting from the construction that is born of the interaction between subjects. That is, the meaning is not inherent to the relationship between words, signs and symbols that arise from negotiating a necessary and unavoidable. As the concepts of sense as discrete and static representations imply a notion of classical computing and design of a cognitive system corresponding conceptions of meaning construction as located and shared among agents implies notions of different computing and cognition. Several efforts have been developed to meet these demands. Among them are the Connectionism (also known as neural networks. Records on aspects of mental health and stress of flight professionals are present in the official reports of the organs of investigation of aviation accidents worldwide since its inception. Problems related to health physical and mental health of pilots (fatigue, stress, physiological and psychosocial problems) account for 19% of causal factors in aircraft accidents. The training seems a paradox when we know that these professionals receive regular training, have high education and technical training of high level. However, problems arise related to the implementation of learning that can be influenced to reduce their cognitive capacity, making it in practice, relatively unable to exercise its functions effectively and safely.  相似文献   
□主持人弁言:在几十年的历史演变过程中,法兰克福学派的批判理论经历了三期发展:第一期发展(20世纪30年代初到60年代末)以霍克海默、阿多尔诺、马尔库塞等人为代表,侧重于理论建构与工业文明的批判;第二期发展(20世纪60年代末到80年代中期)以前期哈贝马斯为代  相似文献   
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